Friday, May 2, 2008

Now what?

It's been awhile since I've posted anything here. I applied to five graduate schools in urban design. I was accepted into..........ZERO schools of urban design! I guess this is where the dream ends. Apparently, there are simply much better candidates out there. Of course, a portion of the blame should be directed at the graduate schools themselves. Each of them stated that they accept people with a planning background, but when it comes down to actually admitting people into their programs, only architects and landscape architects are chosen.

What to do now? I've started the job search process for something new in western Washington. This time, I'm limiting my search to municipal governments that are within commuting distance of Tacoma. By commuting distance, I mean accessible by a short bike ride or a train or bus ride. No spending 4 hours a day in a car for me!

By moving away from Centralia and closer to Tacoma, I hope I can contribute to the urban design and planning discussions in new ways. Stay tuned...